What is the best acquisition channel with the best ROI? – Business Case of a Startup testing its market to validate its Business Plan

Result of the support: +12 appointments made over the duration of two campaigns

Formulation of the need by the customer : ?We are launching a new product ?Advisory Board? aimed at companies and startups needing a board. We would like to market our offer quickly.?

Customer context:

Our client is a 360 consulting agency (strategy, commerce, finance, digital, information system) whose mission is to support its clients (often managers) over the medium to long term on strategic and business development issues. business.

For our collaboration, our client wishes to market a new ?Advisory Board? whose objective is to sell an outsourced advisory consultancy formula within companies and stratups with this need.

The offer is both innovative and concrete and benefits from the notoriety of these founders, all veterans of entrepreneurship and their field of expertise.

We therefore jointly decided to initially launch two ?All in one? prospecting campaigns. on three different channels: Emailing / LinkedIn / Phoning

With the contracts signed and the first workshops scheduled in our diaries, the start is given!

This business case includes a confidentiality notice. 

For all your questions, you can contact us directly. 

If you are in the same context, we can help you by deploying the best recipe adapted to your situation and your ambitions.

On your marks, get set, prospect!

OBJECTIVES of the support

  • Start of the first appointments very quickly 
  • Find the winning commercial fit: channel / target / message / closing
  • Definition of a first acquisition cost

Here is our strategy to test our client's market and validate their Business Plan 

1. Connection with the customer universe and collection of information

To fully understand the needs and objectives of our client, a consulting agency specializing in supporting startups on their strategic and operational issues, we started with a complete immersion phase in their world. This crucial step allowed us to:

  • Meet the consulting teams: We organized several working sessions with the agency's renowned experts to understand the specific challenges of each client project.
  • Startup Market Analysis: An in-depth study of the startup market and current trends provided us with valuable context.
  • Collection of relevant data: Using powerful analysis tools like Google Trends, SEMRush and AKIDEL Tech, we have gathered relevant information on current performance and customer expectations.

2. Validation and co-finalization of the written elements of the campaign

Once the information was collected, we worked closely with our client to validate and refine the key elements of the campaign. This collaboration included:

  • Writing targeted content: Creation of impactful texts adapted to the needs of startups, highlighting key words such as “strategic advice for startups”, “operational support”, and “innovation experts”.
  • Validation of visuals and documents: Selection of images and graphics aligned with the visual identity of the agency and creation of strategic documents such as white papers and case studies.
  • Co-finalization of value propositions: Adjusting messages so that they perfectly reflect the expertise and added value brought by the agency to startups.

3. Dissemination, training and first results

With all the elements in place, we launched the campaign:

  • Dissemination on relevant channels: Uploading content on the agency's website, publishing on platforms such as LinkedIn and Medium, and sending cold emails, messages on LinkedIn and cold calling.
  • Training of internal teams: Training sessions to ensure that consulting teams can use and optimize the tools put in place, including training on CRM and commercial monitoring management tools.
  • First positive results: From the first weeks, we observed positive indicators such as an increase in 30% consultation requests, first meetings and better engagement on the actions broadcast - Acceptance rate on LinkedIn exceeding 60%.

4. Analysis, restitution and start of the second iteration

After the initial broadcast, an in-depth analysis of the results allowed us to prepare the second phase of the campaign:

  • Performance analysis with key KPIs: Use of dashboards and analytical tools to measure the impact of actions undertaken, including lead conversion rates, return on investment (ROI), and engagement rates.
  • Restitution of detailed results: Presentation of the results to our client with recommendations for the future, based on reports generated via Tableau.
  • Optimization and adjustments: Adjusting strategies and optimizing campaigns to maximize performance in the second phase, including A/B testing and content adjustments. We have decided to stop the telephone channel in order to concentrate efforts at 70% on LinkedIn and 30% by Cold Email.

5. Finally! We achieve our goals

Thanks to a methodical and iterative approach, we ultimately achieved and even exceeded the set objectives:

  • Targets met and exceeded: All key performance indicators showed significant improvements. For example, an increase of 50% in new engaged startup prospects and a reduction of the prospecting cycle of 30%.
  • Specific successes: For example, 25% new clients were signed in addition to the reactivation of old prospects and clients through indirect effect.
  • Very positive customer feedback: our client expressed his satisfaction with the results obtained and the quality of our collaboration.

6. Empowerment, improvement and duplication

To ensure continued success, we have implemented empowerment measures:

  • Empowering consulting teams: Continuous training and documentation so that internal teams can manage and optimize projects independently, using tools like Asana and Salesforce.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implementation of continuous improvement processes to stay up to date with startup market trends and new technologies, including regular workshops and strategy updates.
  • Duplication of winning strategies: Replication of winning strategies in other segments or future campaigns, using identified best practices.


In conclusion, our support was extremely successful, illustrating the positive impact of a structured and collaborative approach in the field of strategic consulting for startups. This collaboration allowed them to benefit from concrete solutions adapted to the specific challenges encountered by young companies.

AKIDEL was able to bring in-depth expertise and detailed understanding to the agency, which made it possible to design and implement effective strategies to optimize their development. Our ability to provide practical and targeted advice directly contributed to the achievement of their objectives.

We managed to divide their acquisition cost by 3.6, going from 1500 to 390e. 

The prospects are wide open to further improve their performance.


  • +12 Appointments made over the two campaigns

  • +6000 prospects reached #brand awareness and +300 interactions (website visit, responses?)

  • +A first acquisition cost defined at 1000th per prospect and consolidation of the LinkedIn acquisition channel

    Final customer testimonial

    Co-founder 1 – Serial entrepreneur, Advisor, Investor


    ?Riad is an entrepreneur with dynamism and a very appreciable sense of service.

    I entrusted its AKIDEL team with a prospecting campaign which was fruitful thanks to its methodology for calibrating the commercial approach, and its ability to adjust the strategy based on initial feedback.?


    Co-founder 2 – Vice president Sales & Country Manager France & EMEA

    ?Riad is a young, dynamic, determined entrepreneur who listens to his customers. I had the opportunity to use the services of his company AKIDEL and Riad?s empathy and search for excellence allowed us to effectively deal with the challenges encountered to ultimately offer us a customer experience and feedback on positive investment.?

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