American company (belonging to the HootSuite group) wishing to find new European partners – Business Case

This business case includes a confidentiality notice. We will therefore not be able to reveal the exact name of the organization or any information that would allow us to recognize it.

For all your questions, you can contact us directly.

If you are in the same context as this company, we can help you by deploying the best recipe adapted to your situation and your ambitions.

Result of the support:

+3 New partner agencies recruited (the largest Magento agency in France) 

+300 contacts established with target decision-makers

+Measurement, analysis and definition of the field strategy to be adopted in Europe for 2023/2024 

Formulation of the need by the company's Global Head of Sales:

?Our company works a lot with partners. We would like to begin recruiting our partner network in Europe, using the same strategy used in Canada and the USA.

Establish relationships with new European partners without being physically on the ground initially.?

Customer context:

Our client is an international company specializing in digital marketing and conversational relationships via social media.

Our contact is the global director of partnerships for the brand worldwide.

After having established a solid network of partners in North America, our client would now like to establish itself in Europe and create its partner network there. 

Starting with France.

We therefore agreed to set up a first AKIDEL campaign ?At your side? before establishing a medium-term marketing and sales plan.

This allowed us to gain confidence, to initiate a simple and rapid prospecting action and above all for our part to collect all the information necessary for our projection and our performance over time.  

This business case includes a confidentiality notice. 

For all your questions, you can contact us directly. 

If you are in the same context, we can help you by deploying the best recipe adapted to your situation and your ambitions.

OBJECTIVES of the support

  • Acquisition of new partners very quickly
  • Which acquisition channel is the most relevant: Email? LinkedIn? Phone ?
  • Automate this commercial and marketing aspect of our client over time


Our client's world, marketing automation solution and technological tool for ecommerce sales and data management, is a very competitive market with the presence of local and especially global solutions and technologies used more and more by default by Marketing teams. and Business E-commerce.

1- Connection with the customer universe, increasing skills on the subject and collecting the necessary information

The first step is for us to connect with the customer's world. This involves a thorough understanding of their needs, desires and behaviors. 

To achieve this, we must improve our skills on the specific subject of our market. 

This may include in-depth research, attending training or seminars, and analyzing existing data.

We must collect all necessary information comprehensively: demographic data analysis, market research, customer feedback, etc. This information will allow us to define precise personas and better target our marketing efforts.

We also participated in two large conferences organized by the client, physically and virtually, bringing together their largest clients and partners.

Which allowed us to be directly in the action, complete and 360° immersion.

2- Implementation of prerequisites and circumvention of technical constraints linked to the size and digital security of the company

Once we have a clear understanding of our target audience, it's time to put the technical prerequisites in place! 

This includes preparing the necessary technology infrastructure, such as content management platforms (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and analytics tools.

It is also crucial that we work around the technical constraints specific to our business, particularly those related to size and digital security. 

This may involve implementing robust cybersecurity measures, optimizing systems to handle a large volume of data, or configuring cloud solutions for better scalability.

3- Delivery of the service in two stages

The service takes place in two distinct stages. 

As a first step, it is essential that we test the chosen strategies and tools on a small scale to identify and correct possible problems. 

This pilot phase allows us to validate the hypotheses and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned.

Secondly, once the pilot phase has been validated, we can deploy the strategy on a large scale. This deployment phase must be carefully planned and executed to ensure smooth adoption and maximum impact.

4- Targeting: We mobilize all bases!

Targeting is a crucial step where all available databases must be mobilized. 

For us, this involves segmenting our audience into specific groups according to predefined criteria such as age, gender, location, purchasing behavior, etc.

The use of marketing automation and data analytics tools makes it possible to refine these segments and personalize messages for each group. 

Precise targeting increases the chances of conversion and optimizes the return on investment (ROI) of our campaigns.

5- Content and distribution

Content is king.

Once we have targeted our audience, it is time to create relevant and engaging content. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, case studies, webinars, etc. Content should not only be informative but also aligned with the interests and needs of our target audience.

The distribution of this content must be strategic. 

We opted for two main channels which are emailing and the social network LinkedIn in order to maximize reach and engagement.

6- Analysis and restitution of step 1

After the first diffusion phase, it is essential to analyze the results obtained. 

We use analytics tools to measure the performance of our content and campaigns. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate, conversion rate, social media engagement, connection request acceptance rate and ROI should be carefully scrutinized.

The restitution of these analyzes makes it possible to share the results with the team and stakeholders, to identify strong points and areas for improvement, and to make informed decisions for the next steps.

7- Start of step 2

Armed with the lessons learned from step 1, we can begin step 2. 

This phase consists of adjusting and optimizing strategies based on the returns obtained. 

Now is the time to implement corrective actions, test new approaches, and intensify efforts to amplify positive results.

Step 2 should be iterative, with continuous analysis of performance and regular adjustments to maintain momentum for continuous growth and improvement.

By following this seven-step strategy, we were able to develop highly effective marketing and sales campaigns for our client, optimize our resources and achieve our goals in a structured and measurable way.


  • +3 New partner agencies recruited (the largest Magento agency in France) 
  • +300 contacts established with target decision-makers
  • Measurement, data analysis and definition of the field strategy to be adopted in Europe for 2023/2024
  • Conclusion on the acquisition channel to adopt

    Final customer testimonial

    HEAD OF GLOBAL EXPANSION – Director of Global Partner Development

    ?Riad Kacim is brilliant, friendly, and very structured! His support with Akidel is super effective! The team does not hesitate to test several approaches to generate concrete results!?

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    If you have questions or you want to deepen a point, we can discuss via LinkedIn or by email at

    AKIDEL | BtoB digital agency & All-in-one Growth Tool.

    Lille – France

    Data. Automation. Tracking.

    Take control.

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    #commercialbtob #acqusiitionbtob #personalized prospecting

    AKIDEL | btob digital agency

    Data. Automation. Tracking.

    All the commercial, growth and marketing expertise of AKIDEL at the service of your company.
